Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to extend a cordial invitation to attend the next Joint Meeting of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and International Society of Hypertension (ISH) which will be held in Glasgow, UK, from May 30 to June 1, 2020.
The main focus of the next Joint ESH-ISH meeting is to develop an outstanding scientific programme that will include multiple State-of-the-Art Lectures, Debates and Round Tables on issues of major current interest and controversy.
As in the past, the programme will reserve a wide space to the practical aspects of the management of hypertension via Teaching, How-to, Meet the Expert and Clinical case sessions. Moreover, an important contribution will also come from specific sessions organized by the Industry.
Finally, a significant portion of the scientific program will be devoted to original scientific data via oral and poster presentations of abstracts selected by peer review, as during previous meetings. Poster presentations will be given special visibility through dedicated sessions and structured discussions.
As you know, the European and International Society of Hypertension meetings are the largest scientific events in hypertension worldwide, as they usually gather a large number of participants, all mainly or exclusively involved in hypertension and cardiovascular prevention at different levels.
The meeting will take place at the SEC, Scottish Event Campus, which can comfortably accommodate the large number of participants and diversified scientific and educational activities that characterize the Joint ESH/ISH Meetings, with suitable exhibition space for industry. The Scottish Event Campus is located just 15 minutes from Glasgow International Airport and 5 minutes from the heart of the city centre.
The compact nature of the city, and the location of the centre in relation to the majority of the hotels, mean that getting to and from the venue is extremely straightforward.
We look forward to welcoming European and International hypertension specialists to Glasgow in 2020, together with the many investigators and clinicians and contribute together to the success of the next Joint Meeting of the ESH and ISH in 2020!
A.F. Dominiczak R. Kreutz A.E. Schutte F.P. Cappuccio
ESH ISH 2020 President ESH President ISH President BIHS President
See more at https://www.hypertension2020.org/